Friday, February 27, 2009

Online Collaboration Tools

It seems that, as a human society, we are moving further in the direction of online communication. Is it true that goal-oriented collaboration between individuals is enhanced by tools such as Google chat or Adobe Connect? What about Wimba? Having simultaneous audio with online chat is a brilliant idea for true learning and collaboration between individuals. In our COMET online cohort, very few of us have met each other in person, but we have all managed to come together as a family. I guess when you combine passionate people with effective technology, you get collaboration -- the kind of awesome collaboration that leads to great achievements.... on all sorts of levels.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Tech Tools: Powerpoint and Bloom's Taxonomy

Today, the topic is how to use tools such as powerpoint and bloom's taxonomy. Blending knowledge with visuals attempts to satisfy both the left and right sides of the brain, respectively. As K-12 instructors, knowledge is usually ample, while engaging presentations have been hard to create. Now, with these fabulous tech tools, such as powerpoint and the internet, it has become phenominally simple to create decent, engaging presentations. Bloom's Taxonomy provides a scaffolded learning approach for the designer. By using this for the design of the content, and using Powerpoint and other means for visualization of that content, everyone will benefit. In particular, Math classes are boring by nature, so anything related to helping make math less boring will work.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Math Software and LCD Projection

Today, there is so much great software for math and science. Since I teach math, I recently obtained three different software packages for the math department at my High School. Along with the software, the department was granted the use of LCD Projectors, mounted in every classroom. The challenge we face now is, how will we implement this vast set of software resources in a coordinated, effective manner? Moreover, how can the software be used in conjunction with LCD Projectors to create an awesome, dynamic, and powerful learning environment.

Monday, February 2, 2009

K-12 Technology: Where are we headed?

100 years ago, a paper and pencil were considered highly technological. Today, the digital revolution is changing all that. In the K-12 world, things have become more and more digital. Some might argue that this is an improvement, while others see it as a detriment to the tried and true methods of the past. I believe in a balance between the two in order to achieve truly effective teaching and learning in the classroom.